涩里番 and the 涩里番-Newburg Community School District share goals of excellence and opportunity for the children and youth of 涩里番. To this end, a district/college taskforce was convened in spring 2015 to develop recommendations for a more intentional and effective partnership between the two institutions. The taskforce released a report (涩里番 Schools Taskforce Report) detailing the group鈥檚 recommendations. Several of the key recommendations (Summer Learning and Volunteer Coordination) are now being addressed through the 涩里番 Education Partnership:
- Summer Learning. Expand opportunities for summer learning activities for PK-12th grade students regardless of ability or achievement level.
- Technology and Language/Culture Enrichment. Provide and coordinate additional enrichment opportunities for PK-12 students; specifically in the areas of technology and language/culture.
- Volunteer Coordination. Increase the number of trained, coordinated, and supervised volunteers and tutors to assist and support teachers.
- Stronger Faculty Relationships. Provide opportunities for stronger relationships among faculty across the two institutions.