ࡱ> ܥhc e!-74455555555555 5456_666666666666666q6X6d6566666665566666656566Hb5555556666ɬ﷬ Purchasing Card Program PROGRAM OBJECTIVE The Purchasing Card Program is an innovative payment method for the purchase of supplies and services associated with day-to-day operations. The Card is designed to streamline the procurement process from beginning to end. Allowing employees to use a VISA credit card will virtually eliminate the use of traditional purchase orders, and in many circumstances, the need for check requests or petty cash. The card has built-in spending controls that allow the college to monitor purchases. There is no annual fee for the card. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBLITIES Supervisors authorizing employees to be assigned a CARD have the following responsibilities: Authorizing designated employees to make purchasing card purchases. Monitoring monthly purchase activity to ensure cards are properly used in accordance with ɬ﷬ policy and procedures Upon termination of employment, it is the supervisors responsibility to obtain the card from the employee and immediately notify the Assistant Controller to avoid unauthorized charges. CARDHOLDER RESPONSIBILITIES Upon receipt of a CARD, the cardholder has been delegated the authority to make appropriate purchases for business purposes only. Intentional use of a card for personal purchases or purchases not in accordance with these procedures may result in card cancellation and disciplinary action up to and including termination. The employee is liable to ɬ﷬ for any personal purchases, which are intentionally or inadvertently placed on the CARD. The cardholder is responsible for obtaining credit card slips, cash register receipts, packing slips, etc. to provide documentation for each transaction. Receipts must include purchase amount, sales tax paid, and describe items purchased as specifically as possible. Upon receipt of the monthly activity statement, the cardholder should verify all charges and forward the statement and receipts to the department manager for approval. The activity statement will show no amount due because the college pays it. DO NOT submit a check to VISA for payment. Please see Step-By-Step Reconciliation Procedures. BENEFITS The cardholder will experience reduced cycle time in the daily purchasing of materials and supplies by bypassing the traditional purchase order process. Additionally, the time-consuming signature and approval process is eliminated because cardholders are pre-approved by their supervisors. All expense transactions charged on the card will be paid directly by the college. The individual purchaser will only be required to verify that the charges are accurate. Not only will cardholders benefit from the participation in this program but the entire college benefits as well. By eliminating the use of a purchase order and inter-office mailings for signatures, there will be a significant reduction in administrative overhead costs. Paperwork and processing in purchasing and receiving departments and Accounts Payable will be sharply reduced. These efficiencies will allow everyone involved to be more effective and focus on the value-added aspects of their business. What are the Benefits to the Employee? Forms are no longer required to be completed and approved by your supervisor for charges placed on the card. Simplified record keeping and submission Faster receipt of goods and services What are the Benefits to the College? Reduce purchase processing costs including requisitions, orders, invoices, and check requests Consolidated reporting and transaction data available for future negotiations Transactions are mapped to the appropriate account automatically Overhead procurement cost savings via reduced cycle time and more efficient cash management. What are the Benefits for Accounts Payable? The answer is savings! As part of a program review last year, we determined that checks written for $250 or less accounted for approximately 70% of our check volume while equaling only 5% of the dollar value of all checks. The use of the card allows us to charge the proper general ledger account automatically and pay Visa for all charges on one check. Payment is made to the bank just like your personal credit card, one check for all charges made during the cycle period. In our case, there are just a lot more transactions! KEY CONTACT SNAPSHOT - CLIP AND SAVE! Call J.P. Morgan Chase Customer Service 1-800-270-7760 to dispute charges, report lost or stolen cards or change your personal information. In the event, you misplace this phone number, VISA maintains an emergency customer service line at 1-800-VISA-911. This phone number is located on the back of your card. For all other inquiries, call the Assistant Controller at ext. 4500. Other issues most commonly routed to the Assistant Controller include increasing your credit line and adding/referring suppliers to accept the company-sponsored card. RECEIPTS/RECONCILIATION/PAYMENT STEP-BY-STEP RECONCILATION PROCEDURES Keep all your receipts. If the purchase is made via phone, or fax, ask the supplier to send the receipt. Be sure to verify with the supplier that the college is a tax exempt organization. The cardholder also instructs the supplier to designate VISA instead of a purchase order number on the packing slip be sure the supplier understands not to invoice separately. The cardholder must record a phone order with the appropriate amount and date ordered in their purchasing log to ensure the proper charge is verified upon receipt of the actual vendor receipt copy. Cardholders receive a monthly memo statement from J.P. Morgan Chase summarizing all transactions. The activity statement will show no amount due because the college pays it. Do not submit a check to VISA for payment. Reconcile this statement against your purchasing receipts. If the statement is correct, staple the receipts to the statement and forward this information including your purchasing log to the department manager for approval. If there is a discrepancy, contact the supplier first. If the issue cannot be resolved, contact J.P. Morgan Chase Customer Service at 1800 270 7760 and follow the procedures for disputes located on the back of your statement. PURCHASING LOG Keep a purchasing log to record your transactions and help reconcile your monthly statement. Use the sample log attached to this announcement. Include the transaction date, the merchant name, and ticket price for each item purchased. Indicate the method in which the transaction was made i.e. telephone, mail order or point-of-purchase. After you reconcile your monthly statement, forward the log and the receipts to your department manager for approval. CONTROLS The card program uses internal management controls coupled with features and reports to manage and audit the process to ensure that only authorized purchases are made. Each time a card is used, the merchant swipes the card for bank authorization. This ensures the purchase is within the program controls and card limits established to safeguard against fraudulent and improper use. The basic controls are: Maximum dollar limit for a single transaction Total spending limit per billing cycle per cardholder Specific Merchant blocking for card use AUTHORIZED USES OF THE CARD The purchasing card may be used to buy items normally associated with day-to-day operations that fall within financial and transaction controls. Authorized uses of the card include: Office Supplies Printing/Stationary/Forms Subscriptions Seminars/Training Programs U.S. Post Office Wide Variety of Small Vendors Travel Expenses Hotel Meals Car rental Parking expenses UNAUTHORIZED USES OF THE CARD The card CANNOT be used for: Cash Advances Merchandise for resale Personal Purchases /=()*.@TnKOj @ 9 b  & @Aeg2?@h"spx}  :!X!Y!Z!c!i!w!x!!!!!u^U^UVcUcUV^UVUcUcL)*+,-.@AQRSTopLMNOkl3   4 4  4h3 4 6 7  4   4 4  4Afg9z||||^ 4!  4h  4  4h   4 ABz{hijklm{{{\\\\ 4$ & ' ( )  4# & ' ( )  4 4 4noccc 4  4h 4  4 4opyzAw} ~   4  4h   4 4~  !!!!(!9!:!X!Y!w!x!xxxx 4$   4hxo $  4hx  4x!!!!!!!!!  4hK@Normala *@* Heading 1 h^c"A@"Default Paragraph FontHOHDraft/& p@ P !cB@ Body Textx(O(Text<]c"O""bulletp(.O2.B Head UV]c OB Body Text 2V>@RTitleUc!!3 o~ x!!@_Times New Roman Symbol "Arial1Courier New Times"Helvetica"hSeSedfqR 6dP-Card Communications TemplatePaymentech EmployeeInformation Technology Services  (Root Entry FHbWordDocument-7CompObjjSummaryInformation(  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qOh+'0 @L t   P-Card Communications TemplatePaymentech Employeed,E|Normaln Information Technology Services2 DocumentSummaryInformation8   FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qFirst USA Paymentech, Inc.6 P-Card Communications TemplateMicrosoft Word for Windows 95@@`4W@'b@'bqR՜.+,0@Hlt | First USA Paymentech, Inc.6 P-Card Communications Template